Friday 15 February 2013

They're so smart

This morning, like we do almost every Friday, we went skating. The arena near us has free skates for children under 5 every Friday so it's a good way to get the kids out on the ice since it's not too busy. Keegan just sits in the stroller watching since it would be too hard for me to try an help both of them, but my father-in-law had said he would come with us sometime so I can finally get Keegan on some skates.

Anyway, Ronan is getting better and better and today, he hardly fell down at all!

He'll be zipping around the ice in no time!

Meanwhile, Keegan has decided since he can't be an athlete, he'll be an academic. This is him a few weeks ago showing off how he knows all his letters:

At Christmas, I got Ronan a Melissa and Doug floor puzzle thinking he would love it. I was right! But not only does Ronan love it, Keegan has become obsessed with it! He is always asking me to get it out for him, and if it's upstairs, he wants to go up and get it. He plays with it so often that I hardly bother putting it away anymore.

I can't believe how good he is at it.

This weekend is family day weekend, so depending on weather, we might head into Stratford to see my dad, brother, and sister. They are calling for 10-15cm on Monday so hopefully they are wrong!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Organization Station

After my calendar falling off my fridge for the 10th time, and my pen jar overflowing to the point that I couldn't get anything in or out, I knew I needed a new solution. So I pinned the calendar to the wall and set out to make things a little more organised.

Back in September, I had bought the Motherword Fridge Calendar, since between preschool, sports, and life in general, we were all of a sudden really busy! Although I really like the calendar, I was finding that the magnets on the back kept falling off, even after hot glueing them back on.

So today, I did this:

  We have a tiny corner wall in our kitchen that was just wasted space, so I pinned the calendar to one side, and a cork board and pen holder to the other. The cork board is from the dollar store and the pen holder is from Staples and is actually meant for a locker, but it was exactly what I was looking for. At under $10 (not including the calendar) this was a cheap and easy fix!

On a personal note, things are pretty good around here. Ronan is all registered for JK and is also signed up for both soccer and tball this summer. (See why we need the calendar?) We are also thinking about putting both boys into art classes in the spring. It'll be messy but so much fun!

Today is Pancake Tuesday so, naturally, we had pancakes for dinner. Keegan had 2 and Ronan had 4!