Friday, 23 September 2011

A Busy Week

We have had a pretty busy week around here. On Tuesday, I went to Stratford so I could take my road test to get my G license and I passed! Yay for no more road tests and cheaper insurance! Kevin started his new job this week, so he couldn't come with us, so my dad came over to the drive test centre and watched the boys for me. Afterwards, we went for dinner to celebrate and Jonny met up with us for dessert. Ronan was very good about sharing his ice cream. He would take a giant spooonful for himself, and then just dip the tip of the spoon in for Jonny.

Thursday night, I went to a workshop put on by Childreach called Positive and Practical Discipline Strategies. It was a free seminar, and let's just say, you get what you pay for. There wasn't much talk about discipline strategies, she just talked the whole time about things that were pretty obvious, like not expecting too much of the child and to use age appropriate discipline,. but didn't really elaborate on what that would be. She didn't really talk to much about discipline strategies, mostly about her experiences as a parent.

She gave us a few handouts about what to expect at different age groups and how to deal with tantrums (again, it had obvious tips like don't give in, etc). All the handouts seemed to be photocopied from "The No-Cry Discipline Solution" so i might take that book out from the library and see if there is anything uselful. We haven't really had to discipline Ronan too much as he is a really good kid, but he's 2, and with 2, comes tantrums. They aren't very often, but I would like to know some strategies to avoid them at all.

I have been busy getting ready for the London Moms Fall Sale thats tomorrow at Lucas Secondary school here in London from 8-11am. I have a table set up with my Lisa May Designs stuff, and even though people are there looking for good deals on used stuff, they know that there are also business tables there, so hopefully they check us out. I did the sale last year, but didn't sell a single thing, so I'm hoping this year goes better. I have also been accepted into a Christmas craft show in November, but I will give you more deatils as I get them.

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